Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Dear President Bush,


This is an open email being sent to you, and everyone else in the U.S.government.

I guess our good Senators, and the rest of our ELECTED government officials JUST DON'T GET THE MESSAGE - the one that was sent by the House vote.

Not in any form.
Not under any circumstances.
Not by any name Whatsoever.
Not NOW, and not EVER!

Not just "NO", but "HELL NO!"

And certainly not until after Paulson, ex Wall-Street CEO, who has a 700 million dollar conflict of interest and brings in Wall Street cronies to work on bailing out AIG, steps down or is FIRED. HE IS TAINTED, right along with YOU and all the criminals that are running the U.S. House of Representatives.

If you want any bill to pass, IF THIS IS TRULY SUCH A CRISIS, the first step is to FIRE PAULSON, or have him STEP DOWN. The next step would be to put McCain and Palin on the stage, together, explaining why. You, Paulson, Pelosi, Dodd, Frank, Reid and every other House Democrat HAS LOST ANY AND ALL CREDIBILITY OUT HERE ON MAIN STREET by attempting to shred our Constitution.

WE THE PEOPLE do NOT support this bailout.

If John McCain votes to support either the Dodd amendment to HR 1424, or HR 1424 itself I will not vote for him, and I will NEVER VOTE Republican again.

Everyone in Washington needs to get this through their heads - 80% of the people in the United States ACTIVELY OPPOSE this bill in ANY FORM. And, yes, we are quite aware of the consequences, and prepared to pay the price to avoid having our Constitution shredded. If ANYONE IN WASHINGTON actually works for "We the People", they will oppose this shredding of our Constitution.

Will you people in Washington kindly attempt to get this through your thick skulls:

NO BAILOUT - UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, or by ANY NAME. Is there a letter in the word "NO" that you are having difficulty understanding? It's the same "NO" we use when asked about amnesty for ILLEGAL immigrants. I know there are more letters in "ILLEGAL" than there are in "NO, but you make laws up on the Hill, you should be able to figure out what both of those words mean.

We completely understand the consequences of our actions, and unlike so many CEOs and politicians, and are willing to accept responsibility for them - in an attempt save this country and our Constitution. And if you are really so interested in completely destroying the Republican Party and the American Economy- just keep making those 9:00 a.m. TV appearances and trying to panic the market. You are making us ABSOLUTELY FURIOUS. You are MANUFACTURING this crisis.

NO ONE OUT HERE TRUSTS EITHER YOU, PELOSI, DODD, FRANK, REID, or PAULSON. You have ZERO credibility. There's a couple more of those words politicans seem to have trouble understanding. "ZERO CREDIBILITY". If you want this bailout to pass with Republican support, you'd better get McCain and Palin together on TV, explaining WHY, after FIRING Mr. Paulson - the Wall Street CEO with so much at stake, so many irons in the fire, so desperate to "fix" this "crisis". WE DO NOT BELIEVE YOU.

WE do not buy the "credit and liquidity" nonsense. WE can see that is blatantly and patently FALSE.

We don't care that people "won't be able to buy new cars unless they have good credit".

We don't care that people "won't be able to buy washers and dryers without good credit".

We don't care that "people won't be able to get student loans without having good credit".

We DON'T BELIEVE that businesses will close down, only BAD ONES.


SOUND banks and credit Unions don't seem to have a problem lending money to GOOD credit risks. The American Dollar is strong and is literally crushing the Euro. The price of oil is dropping. And you appear to want to FIX SOMETHING THAT IS NOT BROKEN, EXTINGUISH THE "FLAMES" BY PUTTING ARSONISTS IN CHARGE OF PUTTING OUT THE FIRE.

Honestly, we don't care about ANY OTHER of the absurd and utterly ridiculous explanations and cautions that have been put forth. You're making this all sound like "Can I get me a huntin license, yuck, yuck."

LET ME REITERATE - YOU'RE MAKING US ALL COMPLETELY FURIOUS BY TALKING DOWN TO US IN THIS FASHION. You need to let Freddie and Fannie go bankrupt, and prosecute EVERY crooked politician that took EVER TOOK money from them - which covers just about every Democrat there is, doesn't it?

End of story. Period.

I am an American, Taxpaying, Republican voter
and I approve this message.