Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Me in my cube at Travelers.

Color corrected - someone else took the picture and it turned out pretty dark and ugly (And no - I'm not talking about the SUBJECT of the photo here, folks). It's the camera that has a problem, not the photographer. Well, you really can't expect much more from an $80 digital camera - I originally bought it to take pictures to post on eBay - at a close out/discontinued merchandise sale at WalMart.

You get what you pay for, I guess. (I'm certain that would sound much more sophisticated if I said it in Latin or something.)
Posted by: Bob

They had a bake sale going on at the far end of the walkway this morning. Silly me - took the picture but didn't stop to buy any goodies...

Oh - and I did a little color correction on this before I uploaded it - it was far worse and even darker to stat with than the Java City picture I posted earlier. It looks MUCH better now than it did originally.
Posted by: Bob

Another shot out the walkway window, a little more to the left of the Phoenix building. Less problems with reflections in this picture, and you can see a nice image of the Travelers tower reflected in the Phoenix building. State Square is over near the tall red building in the picture. I'll try to post some pictures from that area in the near future.
Posted by: Bob

Looking out the Traverlers walkway at the Phoenix building and the plaza between the buildings. Had a little problem with reflections off the walkway glass appearing in the picture, it would seem.
Posted by: Bob

Java City - a popular coffee stop along the walkway. And, I've really got to get a better camera - this old 2 MegaPixel camera is horrible in moderate to low light conditions.
Posted by: Bob

Monday, September 26, 2005

And here comes the bus around the corner - the Church you saw in the previous picture is just out of sight on the right of the picture. The wall on the left is the front of the Travelers tower building. Big tower up on top...
Posted by: Bob

Directly across the street from the bus stop - the Gold Building is just out of sight to the right of the picture.
Posted by: Bob

At the bus stop on main street, across from the "gold Building". I'm in front of the building with the Travelers tower that I showed the back of in an earlier picture.
Posted by: Bob

Saturday, September 24, 2005

If I turn around from where I took the corner shot of Asylum and Sigourney, I see this. St. Elizabeths? St. Francis? chapel/church/cathedral? Seems like about half the buildings in the neighborhood are named after some saint or another
Posted by: Bob

A little church/chapel at the corner of Asylum and Sigourney. There are interesting things with odd architectures like this everywhere, large and small, old and new.
Posted by: Bob

Looking towards downtown from the bus stop in front of the apartment. The traffic signals here are confusing, there are markers for what lanes you can use, and stop lights too. It took me a while to get used to things.

You can see the traffic light down at Sigourney street from here. There's a little grocery store a couple of blocks off to the right on Sigourney, and some interesting architecture down that way.

Actually, the architecture everywhere is interesting. There's an odd mix of old and new here everywhere you go.
Posted by: Bob

Across the street from the apartment - St. Francis Hospital. Took this from the bus stop where I catch the bus in the morning - just out in front of the apartment building.
Posted by: Bob

Picture of the apartment building from the street - 967 Asylum Avenue. I managed to cut the "9" off of the address in the picture.
Posted by: Bob

If you look off towards the west from where I was standing in the previous picture, you can see the back side of the Travelers Insurance building tower. Those buildings have Main Street on the other side, and the "Gold Building" across from them. I work in the building you get to by taking the walkway that you can see in the lower left hand corner of the picture. I'll try to get a picture of the inside of the walkway next week - the coffee shop that I stop at in the morning is located about halfway through it.

My apartment building is in this direction - approximately two miles down Asylum avenue from Main Street.
Posted by: Bob

Heres a little closer shot of the Mardis Gras fund raiser with the Phoenix building in the background.
Posted by: Bob

When you come down from the Travelers building I work in, there is a plaza off to the East. If you head in that direction, you end up at a bridge over the Connecticut river. On the 21st, the people from Phoenix (in the round glass building that can be seen on the left of the picture) had a Katrina funraiser event with a Mardis Gras theme.
Posted by: Bob

Looking out south window of 7th floor of Travelers building where my cubicle is located, towards the south. There is some construction going on down below. Just off the left side of the picture would be the Connecticut river. Date is wrong - this was taken maybe 14 September 2005.
Posted by: Bob

Not-so-well focused picture of my cubicle in the cubical farm on the 7th floor, west building of Travelers in Hartford. Date is wrong - taken about 14 September 2005.
Posted by: Bob

Add folding table, lamp, and voila! - instant desk in living room. This, together with the air mattress (did I spell that right in the last post?) make up all the furniture I have in the apartment, except for a vacuum cleaner....
Posted by: Bob

The sleeping arrangements in my "new" studio apartment in Hartford, Connecticut. Air matress, sleeping bag, pillow. Not particularly comfortable, but it works.
Posted by: Bob

Once you hit Pennsylvania - headed west on I-80, you begin to feel like you can't see the forest for all the trees in the way.

Once again, bad date on the camera due to a reset - this would be 08 September 2005, early morning.
Posted by: Bob

(Click to Enlarge)
Ignore the date on the picture, the camera had just been reset.

Starting out From Salt Lake on 07 September 2005. Typical western scenery shown.
Posted by: Bob