Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Barack Hussein Obama will never be my president.

Y'all got on this boat for different reasons, but y'all come to the same place. So now I'm asking more of you than I have before. Maybe all. Sure as I know anything, I know this - they will try again. Maybe on another world, maybe on this very ground swept clean. A year from now, ten? They'll swing back to the belief that they can make people... better. And I do not hold to that. So no more runnin'. I aim to misbehave.

Who is John Galt?

Wednesday, October 01, 2008


John McCain - you just lost my vote. Not that my individual vote counts for much, but there are many of us out here on main street that are furious. You did NOT stand up for the will of the American people, you just played dirty politics. We don’t want “sweeteners”, and we don’t want a rescue, bailout, or this warmed over obscene bill that you just voted AYE on, regardless of how much lipstick it’s dressed up in.

Opposition to this obscene bill was running 15,000 : 1 against passage - and you could have won by a landslide if you had voted against it, which is what "We The People" wanted and were demanding.

We knew the risk of the course of action that we demanded, and were prepared to accept the responsibility and the consequences. And we also know this is a manufactured crisis. The enemy sacked their queen, and you had the choice to ignore it for the win, or accept it for the loss. You accepted, and now it’s checkmate in 6 - our economy is just one “George Bush signature” away from being complete toast, and you helped put it there.

Khong biet John. Khong biet. This was NOT the right thing for you to do – Paulson needs to be fired, or fragged, not listened to.

“We the People” are the friendlys here, and you just popped smoke on all of us and did a freaking fire for effect. You just did a zone and sweep on the American constitution.

You may think this is a moral victory, but it is not. You just spit in the face of 95% of the American people, and proved that you're just another politician – same as all the rest of them. You just went completely dinky dau. Khong biet John.

You have drenched us all in Tiger Balm and armpit juice. Say what you will – that’s just what it is. You just betrayed us all – you just dissed us all with an “AMF - sin loy”. You just fed us all ham and chokers - you just pulled a Snuffy, and tossed every AMERICAN VOTER under the bus. This puts in place the final piece of crisis that will ruin this country. Khong biet.

You just willfully ignored orders from the American voters, went directly against the will of the American people, and dropped LZ cutters on the American Constitution and the American Economy. There are going to be some mad minutes coming up John, this cannot possibly end well.

We were looking for you to support the American people and you said FIGMO.
I’m absolutely heartsick – no, I’m GSW-TTH. Khong biet, John. Khong biet.

Sadly, this means I can not vote Republican this year. This is easily the saddest day in the history of the United States. Flags should fly at half-mast on this day, forever more, from this point forward. You just surrendered this country to the National Socialist party, and your actions mean that we never even got to fire a shot. We'll never forget the names of the 60 that betrayed us. Nie Weider. NEVER.

May God have mercy on us all.

A non-voting-in-2008 taxpaying citizen, formerly a Republican voter.

Xin chào ông John.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Dear President Bush,


This is an open email being sent to you, and everyone else in the U.S.government.

I guess our good Senators, and the rest of our ELECTED government officials JUST DON'T GET THE MESSAGE - the one that was sent by the House vote.

Not in any form.
Not under any circumstances.
Not by any name Whatsoever.
Not NOW, and not EVER!

Not just "NO", but "HELL NO!"

And certainly not until after Paulson, ex Wall-Street CEO, who has a 700 million dollar conflict of interest and brings in Wall Street cronies to work on bailing out AIG, steps down or is FIRED. HE IS TAINTED, right along with YOU and all the criminals that are running the U.S. House of Representatives.

If you want any bill to pass, IF THIS IS TRULY SUCH A CRISIS, the first step is to FIRE PAULSON, or have him STEP DOWN. The next step would be to put McCain and Palin on the stage, together, explaining why. You, Paulson, Pelosi, Dodd, Frank, Reid and every other House Democrat HAS LOST ANY AND ALL CREDIBILITY OUT HERE ON MAIN STREET by attempting to shred our Constitution.

WE THE PEOPLE do NOT support this bailout.

If John McCain votes to support either the Dodd amendment to HR 1424, or HR 1424 itself I will not vote for him, and I will NEVER VOTE Republican again.

Everyone in Washington needs to get this through their heads - 80% of the people in the United States ACTIVELY OPPOSE this bill in ANY FORM. And, yes, we are quite aware of the consequences, and prepared to pay the price to avoid having our Constitution shredded. If ANYONE IN WASHINGTON actually works for "We the People", they will oppose this shredding of our Constitution.

Will you people in Washington kindly attempt to get this through your thick skulls:

NO BAILOUT - UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, or by ANY NAME. Is there a letter in the word "NO" that you are having difficulty understanding? It's the same "NO" we use when asked about amnesty for ILLEGAL immigrants. I know there are more letters in "ILLEGAL" than there are in "NO, but you make laws up on the Hill, you should be able to figure out what both of those words mean.

We completely understand the consequences of our actions, and unlike so many CEOs and politicians, and are willing to accept responsibility for them - in an attempt save this country and our Constitution. And if you are really so interested in completely destroying the Republican Party and the American Economy- just keep making those 9:00 a.m. TV appearances and trying to panic the market. You are making us ABSOLUTELY FURIOUS. You are MANUFACTURING this crisis.

NO ONE OUT HERE TRUSTS EITHER YOU, PELOSI, DODD, FRANK, REID, or PAULSON. You have ZERO credibility. There's a couple more of those words politicans seem to have trouble understanding. "ZERO CREDIBILITY". If you want this bailout to pass with Republican support, you'd better get McCain and Palin together on TV, explaining WHY, after FIRING Mr. Paulson - the Wall Street CEO with so much at stake, so many irons in the fire, so desperate to "fix" this "crisis". WE DO NOT BELIEVE YOU.

WE do not buy the "credit and liquidity" nonsense. WE can see that is blatantly and patently FALSE.

We don't care that people "won't be able to buy new cars unless they have good credit".

We don't care that people "won't be able to buy washers and dryers without good credit".

We don't care that "people won't be able to get student loans without having good credit".

We DON'T BELIEVE that businesses will close down, only BAD ONES.


SOUND banks and credit Unions don't seem to have a problem lending money to GOOD credit risks. The American Dollar is strong and is literally crushing the Euro. The price of oil is dropping. And you appear to want to FIX SOMETHING THAT IS NOT BROKEN, EXTINGUISH THE "FLAMES" BY PUTTING ARSONISTS IN CHARGE OF PUTTING OUT THE FIRE.

Honestly, we don't care about ANY OTHER of the absurd and utterly ridiculous explanations and cautions that have been put forth. You're making this all sound like "Can I get me a huntin license, yuck, yuck."

LET ME REITERATE - YOU'RE MAKING US ALL COMPLETELY FURIOUS BY TALKING DOWN TO US IN THIS FASHION. You need to let Freddie and Fannie go bankrupt, and prosecute EVERY crooked politician that took EVER TOOK money from them - which covers just about every Democrat there is, doesn't it?

End of story. Period.

I am an American, Taxpaying, Republican voter
and I approve this message.

Friday, December 16, 2005

4 minutes worth of juicing, and about 1/2 hours worth of clean up to do.... Sigh....
Three days later (12/16/2005). Ooops - looks like the camera date got reset...  Posted by Picasa
Starting my first container of sprouts. Posted by Picasa
Guess this is the only place available for the sprouter to go... Posted by Picasa
Small, crowded kitchen... Posted by Picasa

Friday, December 09, 2005

I'm over there....

View of the parking lot.

Our first real snow - starting to dig out the car...

Thursday, November 24, 2005

I wonder if Gizmo is still as ferocious as she was last year at this time?
Posted by: Bob

Woke up to maybe a quarter-of-an-inch of snow. As I upload these pictures several hours later it continues to snow. There is maybe an inch and a half of snow on the ground now.
Posted by: Bob

Happy Thanksgiving. We had an early morning surprise waiting for us...
Posted by: Bob

I just had to stop and take a picture of this front yard...
Posted by: Bob

Turned down that street and drove for a little ways. Beautiful fall colors are everywhere.
Posted by: Bob

A side street off Asylum near St. Francis *college*. (Yes, there are lots of things named after St. Francis around here.)
Posted by: Bob

And yet another shot from that same area. Sadly, the picture doesn't capture the subtle colors of the scene here.
Posted by: Bob

Another shot from that same area.
Posted by: Bob

Asylum avenue west of the apartment, heading towards West Hartford. Pulled off along the side of the road and took a few pictures...
Posted by: Bob

Shot out my apartment window on a nice clear day.
Posted by: Bob

Dwarf red maple in front of the apartment building. I walked by this every day for over a month before I finally noticed it.
Posted by: Bob

Same building, same tree, from a little further back. Again - the pastel colors in real life are indescribeable - the picture really doesn't do them justice.
Posted by: Bob

Trees and the building next door. The picture really doesn't do justice to the brilliant pastel colors.
Posted by: Bob

Parking lot at St. Francis Hospital - some nice fall colors set against the hospital itself.
Posted by: Bob

Another view down Asylum Avenue, in front of St. Francis Hospital, still lots of green, but some of the trees are starting to turn colors.
Posted by: Bob

Fall colors - tree on Asylum Ave, across from the apartment I'm in. This is just out front of St. Francis Hospital.
Posted by: Bob

Fall colors finally showed up around the area. I ran to a local mall to do some shopping, and grabbed this shot of the woods at the edge of the parking lot on my way out of the store.
Posted by: Bob

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Weather took a turn for the worse, and I didn't have a jacket on. Headed back to the apartment, and grabbed a shot of the Hartford insurance building on my way by. You can see that the nice blue sky and sunshine have quickly been replaced by low bands of clouds. Brrr - it got much colder very quickly....
Posted by: Bob

A little closer view of the State Palace, umm, State Capitol building, I mean.
Posted by: Bob

Another view of the State Capitol. Think I'll try a little closer shot next.
Posted by: Bob

And swinging the camera to the right, you get a view of the state palace, er, I mean capitol building....
Posted by: Bob

Looking towards downtown - you can see the gold building and the Travelers tower off in the distance.
Posted by: Bob

Another grand building along the way - the Hartford Fire Insurance Company building. I'm nearly at the corner of Asylum and Farmington Avenues - maybe 10 minutes worth of walking from the apartment...
Posted by: Bob

One of several other entrances. This is really more of a compound than a single building.
Posted by: Bob

The front door.
Posted by: Bob

...So here's the top 1/2 including the clock tower.
Posted by: Bob

Can't squeeze the whole thing into a single shot....
Posted by: Bob

This is one of the sights to be seen along the way - it's maybe three blocks towards downtown from the apartment.
Posted by: Bob

After two weeks of rain, the sun came out on Sunday for a while. Took the opportunity to head towards downtown on a walk. Most everything here is still green, but there are little splashes of fall color here and there amongst the foliage.
Posted by: Bob

Continued on inside to grab some lunch - here is a shot of a small part of the food court inside one of the State House Square buildings.
Posted by: Bob

Looking back at the Travelers building I work in from the little bus-pass stand in State House Square.
Posted by: Bob

Looking down from the Plaza near the Travellers building towards the State House Square area. Headed over to the little stand that you can see (just behind the silver truck in the middle of the picture) to buy a bus pass....
Posted by: Bob

It's been raining here for two weeks now, so my blogging has been extremely, well, non-existant since Serenity day. Here's River from the movie, too bad it's doing so poorly at the box office...
Posted by: Bob